Wednesday, May 2, 2012

City of Bones

I'm not sure how many people have read the Mortal Instruments series, but I just recently read the first book City of Bones and I liked it better than I liked Hunger Games! I'm now reading the second book, City of Ashes, and it is so great! The writer, Cassandra Clare, is my inspiration. This month is the month where we give speeches on what we want to be when we grow up and I want to be like her because she is a successful professional writer. She has the most beautiful way of writing, she compares mythology with city life in Manhattan and has a million analogies for the simplist things that make the story truly stand out. The characters she creates compliment each other so well and seem so real. It is not like Twilight or Hunger Games because the romance is very, very different. Although, one thing it does have in common is a lot of action.

What I am extremley excited about is that a film for the movie is coming out next year on August 23, 2013 and is being made by the same people who made the Lord of the Rings movie. All I know is I am going to be a huge fan, because I missed the Hunger games premiere, all the Harry Potter premieres, every Twilight premiere(there is another one coming out, but I'll probably miss it too, for the purpose of seeing it on Tuesday for less money), so this series, is mine.

The actors chosen for the main characters are Lilly Collins as red headed Clary and Jamie Campbell-Bower as blonde shadowhunter Jace. Look them up, they are both stunning! And yes, Lilly has giant eyebrows, but she works them, so I'm okay with it.


Brit said...

allright... MAYBE i'll read them

Liz said...

I LOVE them too!!!! Not many people know about them, but they are really fantastic books!! I think the 1st and the City of Glass are the best though.

Amanda said...

I haven't read this yet...I'm not really into fiction but maybe I'll give CoB a try :)