Thursday, May 31, 2012


Tomorrow morning is Senior Sunrise. It's crazy to think that we only have one year left of highschool. This year has gone by so fast but has been one of the best of my high school years so far. With all of my wonderful teachers, coaches, friends and family making this year so special. Our varsity cheer team has had an amazing year and have gotten so close. Yearbook and newspaper had a crazy year but we somehow managed to get it done and still have to it look great. Also as a junior this year i was able to share the year in highschool with my sister being a freshman. It was interesting to see her perspective on highschool compared to mine having been here for two years. Overall this year has been one of the best and i look forward to next year and all of the new opportunities being a senior can present.

1 comment:

RHS Flash said...

I think that sibling angle is really fun... you could blog all year long on that one.