Monday, May 14, 2012

My First Job

Okay so just recently I got my first job at Robeks! The process has been exciting but a little overwhelming. In a span of 5 days I had managed to apply, have an interview, get the job and have my first day. This all was amazing but completely scary for a girl who has never worked a day in her life. Yeah, you might say that making smoothies isn't that difficult but making the perfect smoothie requires a lot more than just putting in the right amount of fruit and juice.
Robeks offers a number of different boosts you can add to you smoothie and offer a few different juices you can try. These are the difficult part.
In addition to these, the cleaning process is rediculous. For most jobs, closing requires a couple chores and keeping tabs on the record of sales for that day, but with Robeks you have to spend close to two hours cleaning out all of the machines and making sure everything is acceptable to make food in. But other than that the job has been amazing.
Come visit me !


Franchesca said...

Awk I posted about my job like 5 minutes after you hahah! Anyway hope your job continues going great!

RHS Flash said...

I am glad you are getting this opportunity. It's a valuable life lesson.