Monday, May 14, 2012


I finally got a job and I start today. I don't think I could be anymore excited and nervous at the same time! Im working at a law firm in the Fountains. I'll kind of be doing assistant work, filing and helping out the lawyers; that kind of stuff. The funny thing is I was supopsed to be working for a different law firm but that ended up not working out before I was even able to start. Then my moms friend( who I am now working for) asked me if I would want to work for her. It all worked out perfectly! Anyway hopefully everything goes well! Im just really happy to have a real job with like a set pay and everything, Im seriously just done with babysitting other peoples children. That sounds extremely rude but when you babysit as much as I did it gets very tiring and it just is not enjoyable what so ever for me. It seriously stresses me out so much. Anyway I would much rather be working in a law firm doing something enjoyable and also something that can help me in the future, instead of just babysitting.

1 comment:

RHS Flash said...

It's a great lesson... and opportunity.