Sunday, May 20, 2012

Finally Done

To say I am happy AP testing is over is an understatement.  Although I only took three AP’s it was still a very stressful couple of weeks with senior activities right in the middle.  The reason it was so stressful for me was because unlike a lot of colleges, the school I have chosen to go to accepts AP credit and it counts for several classes at the University.  For example if I score a 4 or higher on the AP Lit test it counts for two freshmen English class and fulfills my general ed English requirements.  This will save me a lot of time and money in the future, plus I just really don’t want to take classes I’ve already taken again, therefore the tests were really important to me.  And lastly, because most of my classes are AP’s I’m am now pretty much done with school, except for a few little assignments here and there, which is the most amazing feeling ever! While I am really excited to start school next September in Seattle, right now I’m really looking forward to a summer hanging out with friends and going on vacation, free from homework and tests.

1 comment:

RHS Flash said...

It's so cool you are going to Seattle (literally and figuratively).