Monday, May 7, 2012


So today was the AP Environmental and AP Psychology test, lets just say 2 AP tests in one day is stressful enough. Having to drive from one location to another only added more stress. And, the fact that it is the first day of AP testing meant less time to study.

After studying for about two weeks now, I felt ok about APES I guess. When I got to William Jessup the energy in the air was actually pretty high and people seemed pretty pumped up.

This new location is very nice and I think they should use it more if possible... it had great lighting and it was easier to the Rocklin Event Center (Sunset Center) the room is super dark and dismal and makes you feel depressed.

The test wasn't that bad, however some of the free response questions were somewhat difficult. The test got out at approximately 11:50 and 8 of us had to race over to the Event Center to take the AP Psych test.  When we got there it felt rushed because we had no time to relax and had to immediately jump right into the test. Overall it was alright, either you knew it or you didn't.

It was a stressful day with a lot of work.. now I have to go do homework and study for a math and history test that are tomorrow. The studying never ends..... at least I'm done with all of my AP Tests.

Good luck to everyone that still has AP tests! You will do great! :-)


RHS Flash said...

This should be expanded into a column since you were one of the 8... good post, good story.

Amber C said...

Good job Mason!!! :) I know that was difficult!