Friday, February 3, 2012

Tough Love

My family and I have quite the interesting relationship. Being the youngest in the family, I always get picked on. That's understandable. The things my parents and brother say to me can come across to other people as mean, sometimes flat out rude. But deep down, I know it's just their way of saying 'Ash, I love you!'. Here are a few examples of the latest coversations my family has had with me:

Me: "Mom, remember that one guy I was telling you about? Yeah, he likes me..."
Mom: "How do you know?"
Me: "Because I'm obviously like the guy-whisperer."
Mom: "Not based off your past relationships."

Ouch. Okay that one kinda hurt. Yes Mom, I have had a few unsuccessful relationships--even a couple that have left me on the couch eating ice cream for weeks. She doesn't understand that my 'uniqueness' is too much for guys to handle. It's cool, I don't blame them.

Here is another comment my brother made to me the other day:

*my brother and I are watching The Bachelor and one of the girls is crying*
Me: "She still looks pretty while crying. God, I'm such an ugly cryer.."
Kyle: "Hahahahahahahaha! Oh my god, YES you are. I have always thought that but never wanted to say anything. But now that you admitted it, yes you are! You get this like, ugly thizz face goin..."

I have no comment on that one....


Rhiannon said...

My parents are kinda similar. My parents would say stuff like that, but they would be joking. But because they're sarcastic, if we were in public, people would definitely give us strange looks.

RHS Flash said...

This is hilarious... in a poignent style. My baby sister went through that all... and she's the best looking, smartest, and richest of the five of us now. And I love her.