Sunday, February 12, 2012

Reporting on Life

Science of Snow. Ever heard of it? I know I hadn't until I emailed a student studying it and found out that she didn't even start out college knowing she wanted to be in science. She told me that she had gone to the college for the film and theatre program, but stepped out of her path and tried to do something different that she had grown up doing, but didn't think that she would actually want to continue with. When I asked her if she could go back in time and redo her accomplishments in a different way- go slower and enjoy life and not rush- she said she didn't think of life in "fast or slow" but she just let it "happen".

Speaking to her made me think of everything I've wanted to do in such a short period of time and how I thought I should slow down and enjoy life, but instead let life go and find the ambition I had when I was little and made myself believe that I could be a published author by the age of 20. So even though school is my boundary of day-to-day life and controls that amount of free time of have in each day, I have decided to find my inner ambitions and play on them, using my full potential in every subject, every day, so that I can accomplish more in less time. So yes, I am aware that this new plan of mine might not go into affect immediately, but it will help me get back into the original mindset I had that helped me discover what I wanted to be when I grow up. Hopefully, I'll have luck on my side for the next few years!

1 comment:

RHS Flash said...

Pretty fascinating stuff, huh. Who knows where life will take you.