Friday, February 17, 2012


so basically I'm just going to rant about everything I've had to do and everything i am having to do soon on this blog today. so I'm sorry but here i go... so currently my grades aren't doing too good because i am completely unmotivated to do anything. So now i need to get back on top of everything and its not much fun. it would have been soooo much easier just to do everything right from the beginning.

Yesterday was my last cheer practice with my current squad. And ive never been so sad about losing my team mates. we really are close like a family. I dont even want to start thinking about losing Jen as my base for next year because of how close ive gotten to her and how well she understands me. my stunt group was just that my stunt group. i never got switched they never left me they where mine. and now jen is leaving and its sad :( cheer was the best it has ever been this year from our dancing and water gun fights at cheer camp to crumping to some ghetto music at practice. not to mention how much fun we had at games when someone was sick, fell off the boxes, singing, telling each other pick up lines, and not to mention the thrill of preforming as one organized group making us closer each time we went out. all of the practices that we hated because we where just doing the same thing over and over again or the clinics where we just had to do the same easy stunts that would get tiring are some of the moments i am going to miss the most about this year. i really am going to miss my seniors so much. i love each and everyone of them with all of my heart. i know that they will all be successful and go on to do amazing things with their lives because they are; determined, dedicated, loving, caring, funny, wonderful people. i will truly miss them and i hope to stay in touch with of them once they leave. the best memory from this year for me was when we were performing at a football game half time and we started in stunts and my stunt group started holding hands that only we knew about disobeying our coach which really bonded us.

on to the next topic... with next week being ski week, i want to go to cal poly to visit my cousin and some of my friends that go there but, the problem is talking my parents into letting us go. which means i will need to talk to my cousin to see if i can stay with her and talk to my friends who are there to see if i can see them at some point. organize a tour. talk to taylor about when we would go and who all is going and make sure everyone has some where to stay.

then there is junior prom. where most girls have to worry about being asked is different for me. im asking someone from another school which means i have to ask him (we are doing a scavenger hunt at walmart) and i have to buy his ticket on top of getting my dress, shoes, boutonniere, jewelry, nails, hair, make up taken care of. then i have to worry about him getting his suit and making sure that we match which is soooo much stuff to have to plan. on top of this we have to worry about our group because each of the girls im going with are very opinionated and want things done their way and trying to make everyone happy is impossible. so we know where we are going for pictures but the party bus comes next. we dont want people to bail on not paying for the bus or bail on going with us so we are trying to get the deposits early so that we are locked in but the bus holds 38 people and there is 1 extra person who keeps switching back and forth between going with us so we didnt take her into account for the bus and we are already at 38 people... awkward. then there is the whole table situation. everyone wants to sit with certain people. we have four tables two of them are locked in place now we just have to figure out the other two. joy! then there is the whole fact that with the guy im going with and i are only kind of friends as in we never talk but he wants to go and hes fun to hang out with and everyone loves him and that with the fact that i need a date makes it so im taking him but whatever it should be fun... hopefully

now there is the fact that i have to start studying for ap test SATs and ACTs over break and i just dont see how im going to have time for that on top of visiting colleges, having family time, doing my regular homework, planning what to talk to mrs. cutts about when we get back on Tuesday, looking at all of the college requirements and making sure that i have them all taken care of and cleaning my house and having some time for friends i have no idea how im going to get it all done. so much to do so little time!!! so much stress. sorry for the rant

1 comment:

RHS Flash said...

Well, you do have to dig out of your hole. And don't let the other things stress you (they are stressful)... just grind it out.