Friday, February 3, 2012

Maddie's Stress

The subject of this blog is my good friend (who i am currently sitting next to), Maddie Lowell.

She's sitting there, looking at prom dresses on the computer and stressing out! SHould she get the cheetah print? Or the zebra striped dress? But, what about the hot pink one with so much tulle it practically could drown her??

This is what prom does. It messes with our teenage psyches and causes a good person, like Maddie, to freak out over the prospect of a prom dress. It causes so much anxiety she is practically losing sleep over it.

But, after she finds that perfect dress, that perfect zebra print, that perfect lime green glitter adorned ball gown, it's smooth sailing from there :)

She'll have a great time at prom with her boy and she will dance the night away. Oh prom oh prom.

1 comment:

RHS Flash said...

Have I ever mentioned I hate prom season? Girls get soooo distracted. But, it's often in a cute/funny way.