Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Karma is not a bitch.

So the one thing I believe strongest about in the whole entire world, is Karma. I feel that everything happens for a reason, the energy you put into the world is what you get back out, and most importantly the way you treat others is the way you will be treated.

So I'm just going to start off with how the world works. I truly know that things happen exactly the way they are meant to and in the long run everything is going to be ok. I have found that when I look back on the bad things that have happened in my life, only good came from it. Yes, at the time I might have freaked out and thought my life was over. It just seems that one bad thing has only led to something even better. This outlook on life has taught me a lot. It's helped me stay positive and not give up because I know what ever is going on, is happening for a special reason; so that something even better can show up in my life. My mom is the one who taught me this, ever since I was really little and I think that her teaching me this has definitely effected me only positively in life. My mom has taught me so many amazing lessons. The two other most important things she reminds me on a daily basis are; treat people the way you want to be treated and to always be positive, because when you are you will only get positivity back into your life.

This is why when I see people constantly complaining on Facebook, or whining non stop to their friends it drives me crazy. Of course everyone vents and everyone complains once in a while, its a part of life. But when someone is constantly negative and constantly putting the bad energy into whatever room they are in it really just effects everyone. At the time of dilemmas, I really wish everyone could always breathe, and remember everything is going to be fine. And trust me I know, this can be extremely difficult at times when something upsetting is going on, but after a while you will realize that bad event only happened to better your life. Positive thoughts only make positive outcomes!

My third and favorite lesson my mom really stresses is karma! What goes around, really does come around. This helps me to always treat people the way I want to be treated. This can be hard sometimes, especially when there is someone who doesn't deserve to be treated nicely at all. Maybe they were rude to you or are just overall a bad person. I know a lot of people like that in my life, and all I do is either stick up for myself and say whatever I need to say, to defend myself without being too unnecessarily rude. Or better yet I just ignore them because I know that something will happen to them because of their mean, rude behavior; and they will get treated just as bad one day and they will know how it feels. I encountered a situation today where I tried my hardest not to just blurt all the extremely rude, sassy comments I truly wanted to say to a really rude girl in one of my classes. She just decided to be the nasty girl she is and say really mean things, and called me a pretty unnecessary name. Don't fret because I held my composure stuck up for myself in a non-rude way and walked away calmly knowing she has some bad Karma coming her way. The universe will not let her get away with what she did, I'm positive. People need to know they can't treat people however they want to and not get away with it. That's where Karma comes in. Remember Karma is a bitch, only if you are. :)


Michelle said...

That is so true! We wouldn't need to have bad karma if everyone was just calm and chill and not acting like a total b word! If you say something terrible or do something horrible, then you have to face the consequences that will come back to bite you in the butt

Franchesca said...

Exactly Michelle!

RHS Flash said...

It's ALL about living in integrity... and seeing and being the blessing.