Sunday, October 10, 2010


Lately, I have been noticing that the standards of acceptable social behavior are following a downhill slope. It is so sad that good morals and values are being tossed away simply because some people find it funny to constantly poke fun at others and behave only in self interest. I honestly cannot understand what compels people to behave in such ways, but the trend is sweeping the nation. Perhaps it has become the new fad? How disappointing.
Bullying has been a huge issue in the past few months and has led people to commit suicide. The boy who felt as though he could trust his roommate and bring his boyfriend home ended up commiting suicide because his "friend" taped the entire visit and posted it on youtube. Everyone found out, even the boy's parents. He was too mortified that he could not bear to live. The young girl, with mild cerebral palsy in Florida, who is the constant victim of bullying at school felt so terrible about herself that she cried herself to sleep. Her father finally stood up for her on the bus, and he was charged for stepping onto the bus and is possibly going to face two weeks in jail. The family is so poor that they cannot survive such a paycut. However, the bullies still get their recess and other more serious criminals face no charges. Even beyond bullying, a family did not pay their fee and the firefighters refused to put out their house fire. Their home burned over a $75 fee. The homeowner begged to pay, but the firefighter refused.
Clearly, this is enough already. There are many more examples than just these few and something needs to change. If society continues on this downhill slope, there will no longer be any morals or values left. It just saddens me...


Hannah Vahldick said...

It is sad to see this happen to our culture. I can't honestly say that I know the cause of people behaving so cruelly towards one another, besides the fact that throughout history people have always acted unjustly towards one another. I blame our capitalist society, but that may just be my non-conformist ideals getting the best of me.

Alisha said...

That's so sad. It's completely unnecessary. People really need to rediscover how they want to be treated. It's just another thing we have to worry about, and can be prevented so easily.