Monday, October 25, 2010


I love to read but I hate the fact that I am in advanced Language Arts and my grade is effected by whether or not I take a quiz on a book. I didn't make my A.R goal last quarter and my grade is the proof. I had a B+ in the class and just because of A.R I now have a C which irritates me so much.

We are in High School, is it really necessary for us to be doing A.R? I understand where my teacher is coming from, he wants us to read because it make us better writers. I have so much homework and other things that I'm busy with I don't have enough time to read a Non Fiction book and get 20+ points by the end of the quarter. Its ridiculous, and the whole fact that the books have to be non fiction are even worse because, I'm just going to say what everyone else is thinking: Non fiction books are boring! Once in great while there will be that one Non Fiction book that's great, but is it enough points? Most likely its a billion pages long and you won't have time to read it, and another book.

I remember doing A.R in elementary school, the fact that we are still doing it, but now it greatly effects our grade is stupid. I'm sorry but I said it, it's stupid. I have friends who are in regular Language Arts who don't have to do A.R. Shouldn't it be the other way around? I think if we must do A.R it shouldn't be 10% of our grade, maybe like 5% . Honestly in my opinion it is completely unfair that a get a B+ or higher on every assignment, but oops I don't have enough time to do A.R because I'm busy doing all the other million assignments that my Language Arts teacher gives me, so know I have a C. That's fair right?

Nope, it's not. I do think that reading is very important because it does help us in life but its not helping me. I used to love reading, now I only kind of like it, A.R has stressed me out so much. Every time I think about reading I get a sick feeling in my stomach, because I know I have to quickly get through a book so I can raise my grade. We shouldn't have to dislike reading because of the fact that we are limited to reading Non Fiction or that some of us who actually care about our grade are going to be stressed out. If it isn't done it effects your grade so much, your grade can become a whole letter grade lower because you didn't take a quiz on a book, that's not okay with me. Isn't reading supposed to fun? All I know is that A.R has totally changed the way I look at reading, and now I just kind of despise it.

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