Wednesday, October 27, 2010


"What should I write about?" I ask my fellow web editor, Elisabeth Hartman, every time I have to write a blog or story.
Without fail, she will always respond, "ME!"
So, Elisabeth Hartman, this one is for you. And about you.
Elisabeth is always on top of things. She is a member/officer of around 37 clubs, and religiously attends all meetings. She tutors the homeless. And she puts on dance shows for the elderly.
In her free time, she does pastel paintings that sell for around $3,500. She also writes articles frequently for the New York Times.
She's walked on the moon. Twice.
Who knows what her future holds, but I guarentee she will be world famous by the age of 25.


Elisabeth said...

Wow I'm even more amazing than I thought. And thanks for finally blogging about me Holly!

Keely said...

haha wow. Love it. Sounds like Elisabeth! :)

Danielle said...

can i buy one of your paintings!!???

natalie said...

Elisabeth is so amazing! I have to meet her!

Chelsea Y said...

hahaha this is a funny blog