Friday, October 22, 2010

The Belief of "Oh my GOD"...

I was thinking of something like an hour ago while sitting at the piano and it made me wonder...

When I was growing up, I became friends with devout Christians that I respected and became really close with. I mean, my best friend is the most devoted Christian I know. Anyways, when i was little I would say "Oh my god" out of astonishment. I mean it's one of the most common phrases in the English language. Whenever i was around my Christian friends, they would tell me to not say that because I was using "God's" name in vain. Now, I am not Christian, I am a Buddhist and was raised in a religiously different environment than all of them. I always felt like I had to tiptoe around them with everything I said.

Today, those memories came flooding back while I was sitting there and playing my music. I thought to myself, why does the Christian belief forbid people saying the word God even though each religion has their own God to believe in? Why do the Christians have the right to forbid people from saying the word God even though the people who spoke "Oh my god" may be speaking of their own God? Christians, or any other religion for that matter, do not have the right to own the word "God" because all religions are diverse and different. No one should forbid people from saying God aloud because if Christianity or Catholicism is something they don't believe in, then they should be given to right as a free individual to say what they mean.

THe Christians have a most correct reason to not say the phrase "Oh my god". I respect that and their beliefs that they are using the God's name in vain. But, they do not have the authroity or almighty power to tell people to stop saying "oh my god" because everyone has their own religion to believe in.

Now, I'm all confuzzled from my own work...! Religion is, and will always be, a touchy and blurry subject to speak about because of its massive diversity. So many different beliefs and practices that contradict religions from one another can cause so many conflicts in our world today. But, at the same time, it can bring us closer in the belief in a certain faith that will lead us to live a long happy life long after our eventual death.

1 comment:

Olivia said...

I think this is very interesting. I am always thinking like you. Although I am Catholic, I believe that people of my religion or any other religion should be telling you how to speak.