Thursday, July 18, 2013


My summer so far:

Been to Britain
Came home from Britain
Read Candide
Victoire arrives (today!)

I still have so much summer homework to do it's not even funny. I haven't even started AP Stats, and thank goodness Econ doesn't have anything.

But since I don't particularly want to do any homework, I have started a lot of the books for Lit, I just haven't finished them.

I am about forty pages in to almost all of them, but I just can't bring myself to pick them back up. I just want to watch TV and movies and read books that I actually want to read. But saying that, I'm glad Lit is forcing me to read them, because I WANT to read them, I just don't want to read them, if you know what I mean.

The book for Psych is good though, and I have started reading the textbook. I'm almost done with the first chapter... yay for me!

Anyway, back to my studies. Yay for summer and time off from school! Ha.

1 comment:

/ said...

I don't know if I would actually call it time off from school because, I mean, we're still surrounded by our studies and when I get back to school, it will feel as if I hadn't left.