Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Weekend

Most people look foward to Friday night much more than Monday morning. I was looking up why we had a two day weekend, instead of the one Sunday that we had many years ago. It's because the labor union wanted to accomodate Jewish workers who wanted to take Saturday as their Sabbath instead of the usual Sunday.
Then, in the late 20's, the Almagamated Clothing Workers of America, a labor union, demanded a five day work week instead of a six day work week, and they recieved it. Soon after, the rest of the USA followed.


Chelsea Y said...

That's interesting, I didn't know we had 1 day weekend before... I'm glad we have a 2 day weekend! haha

Holly said...

Wow, good to know. I live for the weekend.

Danielle said...

thats so cool....i never thought about that before :) i like the blue writing!