Monday, August 16, 2010

First Day on the Job

Yesterday I was informed that I would be having my first shift at my new job at Catta Verdera Country Club today at 2:15 sharp. I was ecstatic that I would finally be sending money in for my social security, regardless that the system is corrupt and probably will not benefit me in any way. I arrived at 2:10, but to my dismay I realized that since it was a Bobby Jackson tournament there would be no parking spots available and I would have to park far away only to have to run to work to not be late. I was sweetly surprised to find a nice shady spot under an oak tree waiting there with my name on it, well not literally my name, but still it was a nice spot. I exited the car and marched to the Pro Shop, determined to have a fantastic first day.
The day started off very slow, with a private tour (by private I mean two others accompanying me), and a quick run down on what needed to be done. We actually finished everything we needed to do and had time to spare, wondering why we had been told that today would be hectic. It was probably a laughable sight, for we probably looked so happy that everything was going so well. But then...everyone seemed to finish the eighteenth hole simultaneously, leaving us scrambling to take the carts down to the wash station, where we had to throw away any trash, completely wash it with the hose, dry it off, and park it. Sounds simple enough right? Imagine hundreds of these golf carts, and you will think otherwise.
We worked straight throughout the day, and since we were able to keep what we found (besides valuable of course), we were able to have some nice lemonades and iced teas that were left just for us in the coolers. It certainly helped with the searing sun beating down on our tired bodies with mercilessness known only to Attila the Hun. After all the carts had been washed and parked, we had to move them to park them in their final resting spots for the day. Being a rookie driver of golf carts, they were more like bumper cars for me, which I was able to use to hone my parallel parking skills.
After everything was finally finished, I realized that the moon and stars were out, and when I checked my phone, I saw the time I was leaving; 9:50. My first day was one of the most hectic days for the golf course for the year, and was over seven and a half hours long. Very tiring, yet a very good day, I would not have it any other way. Farewell for now.

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