Monday, August 9, 2010

So You Think You're Obsessed?

All summer long I have been watching So You Think You Can Dance. It is my third season watching it and I love it. To put it simply, I'm obsessed. I honestly have an unhealthy addiction to this show. It got to a point where it was the thing I was looking forward to most all week. It's pathetic. And now, the finale is this week and I have no clue what I will possibly do with myself when it's over. I seriously tear up just thinking about it. I admit that I have a problem. Do they have rehabs for this sort of thing? Well at least school will be here to keep my mind off of it.

1 comment:

Chelsea Y said...

I love that show!!! Last year they had a summer season and a fall season, so hopefully there is a fall season again, and you could watch glee haha