Friday, August 13, 2010

A blogtastic summer? Almost...

OOO boy... Saving my blogs for the last week... tisk tisk. But seriously, this summer has not really been all that, well, I guess we could call it, blog-tastic? Anyways, here's a little recap of my summer.

So my summer can be split up into four chunks: 1. Hawaii (which I admit was pretty awsome:) 2. The At Home Doing Nothing Part 3. My Cousin from Italy Visits Part 4. The Stressful Last Week of Summer Part

1. I was so fortunate to be able to spend two weeks in Maui. It was definitely the highlight of my summer. Beautiful, relaxing, and BEAUTIFUL. The first week it was just me and my parents. We pretty much played golf every single day that week on some of the most beautiful golf courses. The second week, my best friend Danielle(known her since before preschool) and her family came to Maui with us. We went snorkeling and saw wild sea turtles, went boogie boarding and almost got swept out to sea by the undertow, swam in the pool, and went to a Luau. We ate out everyday and I'm pretty sure I gained ten pounds. The worst part of the trip was the last day. I'm not a very adventurous person, and I usually am hesitant to try new things, but being in Hawaii and determined to break my cowardness, I suggested we get surf lessons. Well, not only was my surfing instructor extremely impatient with me, I got motion sickness from the rocking of the waves while I was waiting for my turn to surf, and I... "fed the fish" if you catch my drift... Ugh! It was a horrible day! That's what I get for trying to be adventurous:(

2. I was glad to be home. Too much paradise is not good for a person. This part of my summer I focused on getting back in shape from eating waayy too much in Hawaii, cleaning my room, and starting on my homework. The Grapes of Wrath = awesome book! AP Calc homework = IMPOSSIBLE! But these two and a half weeks, although productive, I was bored. Boredom led me to do my homework. Homework was the most exciting part of those few weeks...

3. My cousin Lorenzo arrived from Italy for three weeks. We were planning on having a blast! But turns out it's hard to do that in Rocklin... He got bored fast! Especially since a lot of the time I was still working on homework. I introduced him to all my friends and he seemed to really enjoy hanging out with them, but when we got back home, his excitment completely disappeared, and I felt horrible. I just didn't know how to entertain him. Then we went to Disneyland... for a WEEK! Some might say Lucky! I say KILL ME NOW (not literally)! Even Lorenzo said it was, "too much fun." And too many lines! That killed the whole experience for him. We visited UCLA and USC too but he couldn't understand the tour guides so he didn't find that interesting. And he ended up getting sick on the way home from all the "junk food" hahaha! In the end, my cousin and I did have a lot of fun, but it was just a lot of work having to repeat myself over and over because he couldn't understand and trying to entertain him all the time. But I'm pretty sure he liked America.

4. The last week of summer = Link meetings in the morning, and 4 hour SAT classes at night. And I still have a tone of homework to do! But I can't wait to get back to school. This summer was very... chill. I was expecting it to be crazy fun, the best summer ever! This is my first summer with my license for goodness sake! It was fun... but it didn't live up to my expectations. O well. It gives me this whole school year to look forward too. I'm ready for the stress, drama, and excitement that comes with it. Yes, I actually MISS SCHOOL! Can't wait to see you all:D


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