Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Friend Ship has Sailed Away

High School is where we learn who our true friends are. This has been said to me countless times. The truth is, you never really know when someone will break your trust. You can't control what happens to you but you can control how you act. For the past two months I have been in denial about losing my best friend. I haven't gotten a true reason to why we aren't friends and I was reminded everyday at Cross Country practice for the past two months that we couldnt be friends. She is even in my english class, sitting right next to me, and I'm invisble. I have broken down, called her and left voicemails crying. Something even worse? We share a locker, and I left a letter in it for her, only to have no response. Now that I have gotten all my crying, being depressed, and feeling nosalgic out. I can move on, and I know that she doesn't deserve me as a friend. We both have changed and we are now on two different paths.


Amanda said...

"Time heals griefs and quarrels, for we change and are no longer the same persons," said Blaine Pascal.

I understand how you feel, Alina (as you know) and...Yeah, it hurts, but someday time will heal all wounds. Any time you want to talk about it, I'm here.

Sabrina W said...

im sorry alina, this made me sad.