Thursday, April 12, 2012

What goes up, must come down... and then hopefully back up again.

Life trully is a rollercoaster. And rollercoasters can be fun sometimes. Or scary... Sometimes you raise up your arms and scream your lungs out without a care in the world, like nothing can stop you. Other times you are clinging on to your seat for dear life, your body so tense... And all you want to do is throw up. The rule of thumb is, what goes up must come down. Everything in life will be running smoothly, and then out of no where you feel like your're falling through a black hole of nothingness. You hope something will save you before you hit rock bottom... That's the point I'm at right now. I'm at the point where the future is bright, but I'm still stuck in that downward plummiting, get me out of here kind of place. Ha wow this makes no sense...

1 comment:

RHS Flash said...

It's a good metaphor...