Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Wedding for Dogs?

A wedding for dogs? Is that ridiculous or what?  I was just on Yahoo scrolling through the news when this article caught my eye (http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/dogs-5-000-wedding-amenities-171017513.html )  Apparently they spent $5,000 on the wedding. That is just plain weird. I know that people really love their pets, but a wedding seems very strange. They had a live band, 100 guests, a wedding cake and security. Hmm.. However, there was some good that came from this, in that guests donated money to a charity that the owners had agreed upon. I guess this is what happens today, who knows what's next...


Edelstahlrohr said...

PS: You're the BLOG king as far as I am concerned. :)

OfficalGemma said...

Not gonna lie, i found this rather ace! Cool story bro;)

check out my blog? You wont regret it?:www.officalgemma.blogger.com

RHS Flash said...

So very weird

Brit said...

come on Mason, they just don't want their pets to be living in sin... (People are so wasteful!)