Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Purple Pinky

So, everyone should bring 1$ to school on Wednesday! $1 saves 2 lives!!!

Since when to statistics get better than that?

Polio is a terrible disease that destroys neurons, leading to paralysis and muscle weakness.

One vaccine costs $0.50 and Americans, and other first world countries, send the vaccine to countries like India, to vaccinate infants. Once the children are vaccinated, their pinkies are painted purple, so to spread awareness, Interact club is encouraging YOU to save 2 lives, and have your pinky painted purple. (We use a stain that stays on for a couple hours, and if you really scrub it, it will come off, or we can paint your fingernail purple)

Kids in areas frought with polio are dying in large numbers from this life-long disease.

This disease forces people to live with pain, and and is spread through unsanitary conditions.

Google it!!

Bring money to school tomorrow to get your pinky painted purple! We'll be the ones in purple shirts!

1 comment:

RHS Flash said...

Such a cool idea...