Monday, April 30, 2012

Don't Rant to Me

Ok people, if you're going to talk to me, don't b**** about how much YOUR life sucks. Don't even go there. Because chances are you will tell me that your phone won't work as fast as you want it to, or that your car is old. You know what? People in Rocklin are stupid. Just purely stupid. Your life is not that bad.

If you're mad at both your parents, be happy they are BOTH THERE FOR YOU. Not having my dad around makes me realize how much he impacts my life. The only way I can talk to him is through e-mail or Skype. And even then, it doesn't happen often. I miss him even if we did have our differences. Also, he was the one to drive from Sacramento each freakin' day just to give me a car-ride home. Now, I walk home. Don't rant about that either. Just cause your mom or dad can't pick you up ONE DAY doesn't give you the right to go about saying that they don't care about you or that they suck. This will make me want to slap you silly.

Think your phone is the crappiest one in Rocklin? Well, BE HAPPY YOU HAVE ONE. I don't care if it's slow or sometimes freaks out, the underlying message is that it works. I don't have one, so I have to depend on my mom if I need to call somebody, which I'm so happy that she's willing to share it.

My back hurts. It's been hurting for a bit. And chances are if I go to the doctor, it'll cost us a lot. Especially since I don't have medical insurance. It sucks, but I get by. I'm hoping that it'll go away, but if it doesn't, then oh well.

Like, people just need to realize that they have a really good life. And I'm not saying that I have a crappy life. I'm happy for what I have and yes, I do want some other things. But seriously, YOU DON'T LIVE IN THE GHETTO, YOU AREN'T SURROUNDED BY CRIMINALS, YOU AREN'T GONNA GET SHOT, so you know what? Don't rant THAT MUCH about how sucky your life is. Because it doesn't suck......Stupid people and their stupid rants....give me a break.

Unless, of course, I love you, then I give you permission to rant.

1 comment:

RHS Flash said...

Oh... I love when you cut loose. You write (and think) so well. Proud of who you are, what you write.