Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Career Project

So a couple months ago, Rhiannon gave me a fabulous idea! I am probably not going to go through with it, but I love the idea anyway. So I want to be a Fiction Author and one of my fav. books is Harry Potter. her idea was that I storm into the room with the theme song playing during my presentation and then give my speech, leading from the Harry Potter theme song into becoming an author. yeah, immature? I think yes. But nonetheless, this is something I would totally do if I wasn't being graded on seriousness.


RHS Flash said...

Well, you wouldn't be boring.

RHS Flash said...

Well, you wouldn't be boring.

Liz said...

It's not the boring factor that I am worried about on presentations. It is the fact that I'll be graded on "structure" and the ability to inform students on the information I have. I am not sure if my teacher would mark me down for that, with it being "irrelevant" to the presentation.

Liz said...

It's not the boring factor that I am worried about on presentations. It is the fact that I'll be graded on "structure" and the ability to inform students on the information I have. I am not sure if my teacher would mark me down for that, with it being "irrelevant" to the presentation.