Friday, May 22, 2009

Took my Late AP Test

I am so glad I am done studying AP World. It is a major relief to be done with the test, especially because I started reviewing for the test over spring break. It was kinda weird to take a late AP test.

The reason I took the late AP test was because I had swim sections the same day as the test. So, me, and a friend who also swam at sections, took the test Wednesday AT school in a conference room. That's right, at school.

It wasn't that bad. Honestly, I was expecting the test to be much, much harder. It was a different test than everyone elses (including essay prompts). I did not know this, and so I told all of my friends to not tell me what was on the test. I wanted the test to be a total surprise.

I'm just so glad I survived my first AP class/test. Now all I want to know is my score...

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