Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My Birthday :)

So tomorrow is my birthday. It's crazy to think about...17 years old. Yes still a kid and still young but WOW. I remember being a little girl dreaming about when I would finally be a "big girl", an image in my mind which consisted of being a teenager. I dreamed of the day that I could color inside the lines and making pretty pictures haha. Now that I'm "growing up" I have found that there is so much more to being a "big girl". Resposibilities, maintaining good relationships with friends and family, school, driving, the list goes on and on. And now, in a matter of mere hours I will be 17. Just one more year before I am officially an "adult" but what does that even mean? Yes you can vote, but I know a bunch of 18 year olds that don't act nearly as some of the younger teens I have met. Oh boy...so much to soak in. There's just this mentality that I have that being 17 sounds so much older than being 16. I don't really even know why. But all that matters is...HAPPY BIRTHDAY ME!:)

1 comment:

Megan said...

happy birthday!