Thursday, August 16, 2012

Tick Tock

As the last remaining days of summer are come to a close, it's really starting to feel like school is almost here.

I got my schedule on Tuesday and am pretty pleased with it. 1-AP Bio 2-English 3-AP Calc AB 4-AP Econ 5-Physics 6. Journalism.

Today was the first day of LINK training and it was actually pretty fun. We went through all of the games that we are going to have the incoming freshman do and were assigned partners. It was good to see everyone that I didn't have a chance to see over the summer. Tomorrow we have another day of training and then the orientation is on Monday. Looking forward to it.


Amber C said...

Link is awesome because I'm your partner. ;) Haha but really, let's be real. :) I'm going to make my sisters help me with the posters because there is no way I can get it all done and finish my book! It will turn out well, don't worry!

Mason said...

Haha yes you were the best partner... and we won free yearbooks! Your rap was amazing!!! USA USA USA! Best group ever!