Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Are My Ads Trying To Tell Me Something?Oh No!Not You Too Pandora...

I have noticed that while doing my homework, I find an urge to blog. Maybe it's procrastination or maybe its pure boredom. I'd go with both. Sometimes I find myself wondering if a page in the Flash magazine could be dedicated to Julie rants. I'd name it "Just know that other people's lives suck too..." except it'd be correctly grammartized.

For those who don't have the privilege of listening to my daily rants, here's the one from this morning. So yesterday I had tried to make a promise with myself that I wouldn't take a nap because once I start sleeping, then that's that; there ain't no wakin' me up. But alas, of course I would go to sleep. I can't focus! So I told my sister to wake me up at 6 (it was around 4:30 P.M. when I said this). I go to sleep knowing that I have 7 alarms set up (5 on my old phone and 1 on my iPod and my sister counts too), however, it seems that nothing ever seems to wake me from my slumber because I woke up, not at 6 P.M., but at 9. NINE. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? WHERE HAD THE LAST 3 HOURS GONE?! So I thought whatever, it happens ya know. But with 7 alarms? All at the highest volume? Am I really that deep of a sleeper!? Jeez.... I said "SCREW IT. I'm going back to bed," with the intention of waking up at 3:30 A.M. to do my AP US outline due this morning. BUT NOOOOO, I had to sleep, once again, through my alarm so I woke up through my internal alarm clock at 4:30 A.M. Luckily I got it done, but I swear school needs to think about the students. I mean, it's like I either have a good-nights sleep or I do my homework. If you're wondering about my social life outside of school, I don't have one. After that last bell rings, I'm just done with everybody and they need to just get out of my way because chances are that I'm dead tired. Not only that, but I walk to school and back (I live near Safeway), so I feel like those people who say that each time they take a picture, a part of their soul is stolen. A PART OF MY SOUL JUST KEELS OVER AND DIES EVERY TIME I WALK TO SCHOOL. Ah, yes.... Do you understand what I mean?

So to the point, after having made this blog already way too long according to Shelby-Boo (HI SHELBY-BOO!), I have also noticed that on the sides of whatever site I'm at, I always see ads that often go like this:
"LOOKING FOR A BOYFREND" (and on the side is a picture of a girl that's almost half-naked)
My first reaction? If you're going to do a fake stupid ad, spell it right. C'MON! (Is it sad that I think that first?) Second, I ain't no man. And they like surround the page. One on top, bottom, and two on the sides. Somebody once told me that ads often are related to what I search....Can you tell where I'm going with this? Now, I can tell you for sure that I don't search up some random women to just oogle at. *Oogle is not a real word as far as I know, but that's the best word to describe the act.:P* I swear, no matter what, it's always the same ad, except with a new woman each time. I'm telling ya, I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON OR WHAT MY ADS ARE TRYING TO HINT TO ME. I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! I SWEAR. Then, while I came to this realization, some random song came up on Pandora...the lyrics...oh, those lyrics...haha...I DON'T LISTEN TO THOSE KINDS OF SONGS! I SWEAR AGAIN. But that was pretty bad. And so I skip the song to find the next array of songs have titles like dope, swaggerific, shtuff in my pants, girl dog, I just did it? (I made swaggerific up, but that's basically it) I'm sitting here with one eyebrow raised...WHAT DO YOU THINK OF ME INTERNET? Especially Pandora... Whoa-ho-ho-ho-ho. That's not what I signed up for... Maybe I should take a break from the computer. I need another nap...


Shelby B. said...

Im in your blog!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
*happy dance*

Shelby B. said...

lol julie your blogs are soooo seriously amazingly awesome.

/ said...

:Di love you shelby-boo