Sunday, August 26, 2012

Subway Encounters in Midtown

It was a sunny day in Sacramento... My church is located in Midtown. And there is a Subway across the street so I walked my little self to go get my "starving" mother a sandwich. As I made my way through the meat, cheese, and veggie options, the sandwich lady was about to ring up my Five Dollar Foot Long when she suddenly stopped and said, "Hey, I know this is weird but are you interested in modeling?" (I don't know if those were her exact words but that's pretty much what I heard.)

Now I am 5'3" so this was kind of a big shocker. Even though it was more for like catalogue modeling (so height doesn't matter) it was still surprising. But, turns out this lovely sandwich lady at Subway owns a vintage clothing shop of some sort that's on It is called Neon Shark Vintage and I have to admit its pretty cool. It is all 80's clothing and retro is kind of my thing. So anyways, this lady's (okay she's probably like in her twenties actually) name is Amanda and she gave me her email to contact her if I am interested. Her reasons for asking me were because 1. she needs new models, 2. I apparently have nice style (that's a new one), and 3. I have an "unique" look (I think that's a compliment). And oh, by the way, this whole time my fairly new boyfriend was with me and at the time it was fairly awkward because I did not know how to react to these compliments I was getting out of nowhere.

So yeah, all in all I have a possible modeling opportunity which is kind of awesome for a vertically challenged person.

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