Monday, August 27, 2012


I hate my new pod in this classroom, there are ants everywhere. Crawling along the side of the counter, around my keyboard, and there have been at least two cases where I have caught these little beasts on my arms. It is driving me insane. I took a yearbook to about 15 before I even sat down. What is this insanity? My seat last year was perfect, no ants or any such creatures near me. There seems to be more people in this class though and I have been forced into this ant-infested back corner.

Seriously though, thank you jerks who leave your food out! Really, you cant take the extra three seconds to pick up your wrappers or extra food so that this does not happen. I am so irritated and if I knew who you were I would be yelling at you. How can you stand being attacked by ants all class? Do you not make the connection between these ants and your food?

I guess it is slightly possible that there just happens to be a hole in the wall and nobody is to blame specifically. But I need someone to place my blame. So dear person who sits at this computer before me: I hate you, throw your food away.

1 comment:

/ said...

Lol, I totally know what you mean!Alina saw one on my face once:/.Don't know how he got watch out.