Friday, August 3, 2012


My parents were born in Algeria, a country in North Africa, and most of my family still lives there. So every few years, we go to back to visit family. And even though I'm sure that in a few years I'll look back on the experience fondly and realize that it has taught me wonderful life lessons (note the sarcasm) I'm extremely glad to be back in America. In Algeria, like most African nations, there is very limited hygiene. You have to be really careful about what water you drink, because having the wrong kind can lead to chlorea -- I'm not kidding. Plus, during the last few days I got tonsillitis and the medicine there is more than a little sketchy -- as in strangely colored pills that taste pretty suspicious in my opinion.

There's also the fact that the food is completely different. And by different, I mean not that good. Like I said before, I'm wary of a lot of the products there -- they don't really have health inspectors in a country where many are impoverished -- and as a result barely ate anything. The day I came back, the first place I went was Panda Express to pig out.

So while there were good parts -- I have some really interesting pictures, like a guy leading a huge flock of sheep down the highway -- I am SO glad to be back to modern civilization. A month away from the Galleria was a little more than I could handle.


Rverma said...

Ah the Third World...I'm from India, and I've been there to visit several times, with similar experiences as to yours - I love how modern the U.S. looks after a month in the other hemisphere.

Mason said...

Your experiences sound very interesting! We really are fortunate to live in the the United States (and in Rocklin) where we don't have to worry about whether or not the water is safe to drink. Makes you feel compassionate towards other Americans and people in poor countries that don't have it.