Saturday, August 4, 2012

Application Time

So 3 days ago, the Common App came online, and I can now begin working on the application that I will send to various private universities. Scary...I get to spend the next 5 months poring over the Common App, among other applications, trying to get into a university. Then I spend 3 months waiting nervously for the results. I can't say I'm too excited about this. However, I am excited to know that 9 months from now, I will know where I'm going to college. Here we go...


TrevorBohatch said...

So exciting! Which is your dream school?

emccrary said...

That is soo exciting! I can't wait till I get to apply for college. :) just a few more years! Im sure it will be super nerve racking though. I get stressed out really easily, so Im sure I will be freaking out when the time comes.

Franchesca said...

ahhh good luck! I probably should start applications now too! Hahah