Friday, March 27, 2009

Tomorrow is the big day! At 6 am my mom and I are driving down to Napa for my marathon. Its the Napa Valley Trail Marathon. This trail thing is new to me, I'm used to running on paved surfaces. Have I set myself up for disaster? I guess we'll see. 26.2 miles of dirt versus asphalt may be a bit different. The race starts at 9 so we'll hopefully get there an hour early and then relax, get water, go the bathroom, get water again, and then start the 4 hours of hell. I'm hoping that the training I've done will help me get past those feelings and help me enjoy the run and the scenery around me. So why am I running a trail marathon? It was completely accidental, let me tell you. I meant to sign up for the Napa Valley Marathon, set up with small rolling hills in gorgeous Napa. Leave it up to me to sign up for the Napa Valley Trail Marathon instead...that means dirt, hills, and "a summit at the end". Yayy for me. I'll be happy once its over:)


rebecca/vanessa said...

ohhh my goodness are u really? WOW, props to you :) that's going to be really exciting, you should write something about ur experience afterwards too :) best of luck to you!!!

RHS Flash said...

Again... great personal column for online. You never fail to surprise and please me... you are one of a kind in a very good way. cn

Amanda C. said...

Go Cheryl, go! :) Hat off to you!