Friday, October 3, 2008

Benzel's Back

Yesterday, Mrs.Benzel returned to school after having been on maternity leave since the beginning of the year. It was a rather strange experience, getting to meet a new teacher after the first quarter is well over half way through. It was still exciting though, her first lecture was very good and she knew everything like the back of her hand. Although, it was a little scary getting to meet her because instead of introducing herself at the beginning of the period, as one would expect, she went right past the formalities and handed out a quiz. At any rate, it's good to see her back, and if you know her, then stop by and say hello.

1 comment:

michelle said...

Mrs. Benzel is an exceptional teacher. I was SO excited to hear she was back! I went straight to visit her after school. For those of you in APUSH, I'm sure that you will go into that test knowing MORE than you need to do well :)