Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Ultimate Expression of Love

Webster's Dictionary defines "love" as "strong affection for another". I guess that's love in a nutshell, but it can be so much more than that. And I'm not talking romantic love, I'm talking about love for a friend, for a Vespa, for anything but romantic. In Chem, Ms. DeMaria was talking about how the Periodic Table of Elements was the the ultimate expression of "love". I have a objection to that.

I think socks are the ultimate expression of this crazy little thing called love.

On Friday, my good friend came to school and gave me a random CD full of the songs that she thought I would like. My birthday was 5 months ago, I haven't done anything amazing lately, and I didn't give her anything recently so I was a little confused. In fact, I felt completely stunned. Even though all she did was toss the CD at me and say "This is for you", I felt like I was really cared about. So I brought it home, listened to it, etc. And then I thought I should get her something.

And so I bought her some socks. They're red and white striped, with some cartoon animals on the front, and are completely her style.

My mother asked me "Why are you getting her socks?!" when I told her about my plan. This seems like it would probably be a typical reaction for most of the human rance. Why would you get someone socks? Because socks are more than just little pieces of cloth that cover your feet.

Socks can be warm and cuddly. They save lives when people are stranded in the snow, freezing. Socks can make people laugh. Socks are personal. Someone can be wearing a 5-star suit, complete with strict leather shoes that match, but underneath they culd be wearing neon yellow fuzzy socks with toes. Not that I have ever done that...(cough) They were neon pink (cough).

When someone gives you socks, they are looking after your well being. If you get stranded in the snow, they want you to survive. They want to keep your feet warm. And they want you to show your personality. There are so many patterns for socks. I bet anyone could find a pair of socks that really represented them.

Anyway, for all of you out there. If you want to tell someone that you love them, give them a pair of socks. They don't have to be expensive or super-high-quality. They just need to be chosen by you.

It's the thought that counts when buying presents, and there is a lot of thought that goes into buying socks.

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