Saturday, September 11, 2010

Red Asphalt

In sturgeon's health class, we watched the video everybody's been waiting to see since the first day of school. Red Asphalt. Stories about how gory and bloody it was going to be made my whole class excited. As he pushed the video in to play, the class went silent. We saw, brains on the road. Bodies discontorted from crashes. Pieces of a person's head on the window. And, worst of all, people being put into body bags and carried away. As the video ended, and the lights went on, it was still silent.
For me, it wasn't the gore and the blood and the brains on the side of the road that made me sick to my stomach. It was the painfully sad stories about those who lost their loved ones to car accidents. It hurt to hear a parent's voice talking about their son or daughter who passed. How do they keep themselves together? How can parents and close friends keep it together after something so tragic?
These are the people that I see are amazingly courageous and brave. They have the strength to move on after something so terrifying.
Through all this sorrow that I saw in the movie, I learned something. Death is not something we should fear, just something that we should be aware of.


Elisabeth said...

I remember the impact that movie had on me last year. Some people don't realize how much is at risk when they get out on the road.

Emily said...

It is hard to ruminate about someone you knew every day.
Hopefully it makes people more aware that they are driving a lethel weapon.

Olivia said...

I just watched that movie in class too. While it is a little gorey, it is also a good example of what could happen from just one bad decision. It made me really realize how one choice can not only change your life but your families too.