Saturday, September 11, 2010

September 11th, 2001

Today is September 11th, a extremely traumatic day for people all over the country. At my little brothers football game we all had a moment of silence in remembrance of those whose lives were lost, and to their loved ones. During the game 4 air force jets were circling above the field. These two small gestures help us remember and pay respect to all the heroes and victims of September 11th.

On September 11th, 2001, I was just a little first grader wondering why my mom wouldn't let me go to school that day. I just remember her wanting me close by because she had no idea what was going to happen next. I really didn't have much of an idea what was going on, in my innocent little head all I knew was that a "bad man" crashed a plane into a building, but had no idea why. I still don't really understand what would possess someone to do a crazy thing like that.

In 8th grade I went on the East Coast trip with my middle school and we got to go see Ground Zero. It was a very emotional thing to experience, but I'm glad I got to see it and feel the effect of it.

So this is my way to pay respect to the 2,977 victims and heroes of September 11th, 2001. May you all Rest in Peace.


RHS Flash said...

Yeah, I showed a great video that CNN did about journalist's POV... and it made me realize how young the freshman were. At the end of my career there will be few students in my classes who were alive on that day. Yet, some cried on Friday. I was touched. cn

Amanda said...

Sometimes I wonder if the people who weren't born in 2001 will realize how horrible it affected the country. RIP 9/11.

Elisabeth said...

I remember going visiting Ground Zero a few years after it happened and just breaking down into tears. Just being there made me think about the people who died and about all the families that were affected. We truly will never forget.

Olivia said...

I remember that day in first grade too. I remember how scary it was and how my mom would not even let me go to school. Now I think about how maybe if 9/11 never happened how we might not be so far into this war and how much less complicated things would be when traveling.