Friday, September 17, 2010

Medium Rare?

So I was watching an episode of Chelsea Lately the other night, and they were talking about how Lady GaGa wore a full outfit made out of RAW MEAT. PETA was clearly pissed off about it, and I personally was grossed out by the act. I mean, her hat was even made out of raw meat. That's just disgusting.

When I thought Lady GaGa couldn't get any weirder, she did.


Erika said...

hahahaha... and then she got up on stage and asked Cher to hold her meat purse. FAIL.

Danielle said...

hahaha this was hilarious! i didnt know it was real meat though! :D

Alexandra said...

I agree it was totally outrageous, but wasn't she like trying to make a PRO peta statement? Like "wearing fur is as disgusting as wearing raw meat" sorta thing? Idk maybe I misinterpreted it, but either way its gross.