Monday, September 27, 2010

Nazi Zombies, wait what?

So, my brothers play this Nazi Zombies thing all the time which is part of some Call of Duty game. Since I am just an absolutely awful at video games, it bugged me how much they play it.
But last night, Natalie and I decided to give it a try.
We forced my older brother to teach us how to play, and we were instant fans. Instead of doing math homework, which was the original plan, we played Nazi Zombies for an hour straight.
We got to round 3, which apparently is not much of an achievment, but we were proud.
As Natalie said, "There are just too many. Too many zombies for two little girls"


Devin M. said...

Haha it's ok, i can't play it either...

Amanda said...

My brother plays that too! I came in and was like "What the...?"

natalie said...

i'm addicted

Christy said...

Hahaha!! that sounds interesting!! my brother plays it all the time too!! ill have to give it a try!