Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dear John

So I saw Dear John opening night. It was a... nice movie... but then again, I'm not a picky movie-goer. I am easily moved by film's themes and messages, and I cry in about every single one, whether it be during a happy part or a sad part. My friends who went to see it with me were kind of disappointed by the ending and "creeped out" by an unexpected turn that took place. My mom said it was too slow. I agree with them for the most part, but I think it worked for the story line. And unlike other Nicholas Sparks stories, this one was quite unpredictable. Usually in his stories, two people fall in love in North Carolina, someone dies... the end. But this movie had me guessing the whole way through, and my guessing turned out to be way off. I hear that the movie's ending is different from the novel's ending, so I'm looking forward to reading it too. So I recommend the movie for people who are into love stories and are sensitive towards that kind of stuff, but if not, yeah, it's probably a waste of your time.

1 comment:

RHS Flash said...

Loved your comment on typical Sparks film. Nice timely