Friday, June 28, 2013

Nostalgic Thinking

I like blogging. Blogging is my favorite.
Never mind, I'm too lame to recreate an Elf saying. ANYWHOO, when I blog, I feel like I'm in Gossip Girl, but wait! Nothing happens in Rocklin, and this isn't fabulous New York. This town is full of entitlement and people who can't take responsibility. If you can't tell already, I don't enjoy Rocklin all too much. However, I am going to make the best of where I live and try to focus on when I can travel and write stories that will hopefully someday become New York Bestsellers. 
Isn't it amazing how in our high school careers, we find ourselves, or most importantly where we want to be and who we want to become after these four years of our lives are over. I mean, I'm already becoming a sophomore, am already figuring out what I want my life to be like, and already have experienced enough to change who I was. In these four years we realize what is important to us and what is not. We understand things we didn't before and suddenly we understand how relevant it is to stray away from what we are pressured into. We figure out that we really don't have much time in our high school careers, and when it is us wearing those blue gowns walking into the gym for our last rally, we appreciate the good and the bad, and we cry for the awkward freshman year and laugh at we learned, and we say goodbye

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