Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Search for College Begins

As a current sophomore in highschool the stress is starting to sink in about finding a college. This decision is one that will affect the rest of your life, the friends you will have, the job opportunities presented, and the life-long experiences you will go through. This spring break me and my family took the opportunity to drive down the coast in the search for my future college. Two of my favorites had to be Cal Poly and UC Santa Barbara. While my mother was picking up pamphlets on the acedemic aspects of the colleges, my sisters and I admired the college life presented there. The fact that the average gpa of the incoming freshman of UC Santa Barbara being a 4.1 presented a problem but with great motivation for the next couple years at Rocklin High.


Emily said...

What college you go to doesn't matter! You can go anywhere and be successful if you really want to!!

Amanda C. said...

My boyfriend lovesss Cal Poly and my parents went to SB-such a pretty campus! I say shoot for SB :)

Brit said...

The fact that you youngins' are already lowering down the college search makes me feel VERRRRYYYY behind.