Sunday, April 24, 2011

I don't care if you're Kobe Bryant; that was wrong

On April 13th, basketball phenomenon Kobe Bryant was fined $100,000 for anti-gay slur at a ref during a game against San Antonio.

Lame, my friend says.

Not lame, I say.

Just because this guy is a star and one of the most gifted athletes in history doesn't mean he can say things that aren't nice. His prowess doesn't dismiss him from punishment, nor does his fame. And if he is such an esteemed player and say, person, then that is all the more reason to fine him. How can little kids, college kids, and even adults pay such respect to someone and honor the fact he earns $23,000,000+/yr and then complain that he is being fined outrageously? I don't know, either.

The LA Times suggested that the $100,000 be donated to offended groups. Not a bad idea.

Moments like these remind us that these stars are HUMAN, just like the rest of us. We all make mistakes and we all are imperfect-perfectly imperfect.

I mean, who knows if Kobe Bryant actually meant to be offensive or not. Let's just say he didn't-alright he didn't mean it. This just goes to show the importance of saying what you mean and meaning what you say.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Hmm I think this could bring up a lot of debate among people. I don't agree with what he said at all, but I don't think he should be fined for it, I mean, it's freedom of speech.