Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Trying to Think...

Whenever I sit here at the computer thinking of something interesting in my life to blog about, I always come up with nothing. I simply draw a complete blank.

Isn't that sad?
That I can't even think (or remember) one interesting thing that has happened to me over the course of 2-3 days??

I have come to the consensus that I am a dull person. Never thought of myself like that but if I can't think of something amazing that has happened to me in the past few days, then what am I actually doing with life?

I am subconciously wasting it away with all the other stressful crap (not literally) that fills it. Sounds simply pathetic. That's what I have been reduced to.

I now declare a late new year's resolution. I will (try) to do at least ONE interesting thing everyday. And what I mean by this is something that's out of the blue. Something "mind-boggling" if you will. Liven up my life a bit before I die a cynical bitter woman.


Chelsea Y said...

haha I have that same problem! I should try that too..

RHS Flash said...

I think maybe you use them all up on Facebook. Then again, sometimes I think we, and especially the younger generation, spends so much time facebooking/texting/blogging about life... their is no time for life. Just be curious.