Thursday, March 24, 2011

Is an empty desk a sign of an empty mind?

People have very divisive opinions when it comes to the cleanliness of desks. Some say a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, others say it is healthy.
This is my desk. It's a bit hectic, but I like having everything where I can access it. It doesn't really fit in with the rest of my room, which I generally keep in a state of cleanliness that approaches neurosis.
My only concerns about my desk are that it will collapse under the weight of the books or that I'll be crushed if there is ever an earthquake.


Hattie Spurgeon said...

mine is exactly the same! but my sister always trys to change it therefore i can NEVER find anything, NEVER.
this is sad, but please follow me, i think your blogs are awesome and i really need some followers!!

Hattie Spurgeon said...

mine is exactly the same! but my sister always trys to change it therefore i can NEVER find anything, NEVER.
this is sad, but please follow me, i think your blogs are awesome and i really need some followers!!