Friday, March 18, 2011


For the past couple of weeks, I can't count how many times I've been on facebook and seen far too many music links to some Wiz Khalifa, mainstream crap, hipster music (possibly the biggest culprit of all), and most recently, that horrible "Friday" song that just sounds like some five year old singing about fried eggs.

So I went through my iTunes library, discovered that a lot of my music was stuff that had built up over the years and I'm no really a fan of anymore, but struck gold. Classical music.

Call me ancient, but that stuff is magic. I've been a piano student for eight years, which has made me realize the true quality that is classical music. I sat at my desk, doing my calculus music, listeing to the "1812 Overture" serenade me in the background. That has possibly been the most peaceful I've been while doing homework in quite a long time.

In fact, that sounds like the perfect end to my Friday. Instead of posting yet another status about Rebecca Black and her unbelievabe indecision to choose a seat, I might just cruise around with some friends in my car and tell them all to just roll down the windows (well, depending on if it's raining or not) and listen to some classical music.


Alisha said...

Being the orchestra geek that I am, my mp3 player is spammed with Mozart and Bach :)

Austin G said...

I have a good four classical music stations on Pandora. I'm too lazy to actually attain the songs but I love it. Chopin, Gershwin and Tchaikovski are my favorites.

Keely said...

Yes. I Love Classical. Especially for homework :)