Friday, March 4, 2011

Some things I was thinking about sort of

Well, I was reading the Yahoo News and I saw this article that was titled "The most typical face on the planet." It showed this image of this 28 year old Han man in China and said that there were 9 million men that fit this image. !!! That's amazing! What if there were 9 million me's walking around? : / So much for everyone being unique.

On a different note, last night I was looking at the legal marrying ages in countries across the world and I was surprised at what I found. I never realized that different genders had different marrying ages in many countries. Like, in Japan, men have to be 20 to be married, but women only have to be 16. And in Venezuela girls only have to be 14. I don't know. It seems so young to be married, especially at this day and age.


Christy said...

I read the first article too and i found it very interesting. the second part of your blog is also unique i never though of looking that up.

Yasmine_B said...

That is super crazy. It's a widely accepted fact that every human face is different but I see a lot of people out there who look similar.