Wednesday, March 16, 2011

April 8th

"Sadie's? Who-zat?" was my inital reaction to being told that I had to get a date to Sadie's by my best friend. I decided that this year, I might get the guts to ask someone for reals. However, my aspirations were quickly shot down when my parents found out.

Mom: "You don't have to get a date."

Dad: "You don't even have to go."

Very encouraging. What is the point of Sadie's, anyway? In my opinion, it only serves to emphasize the fact that normally guys ask girls, and girls ask guys. Well, maybe not. But still.

If you haven't realized by now, pre-dance things are not my forte. Once I get there it's fun, but getting there is the issue...

So, to Sadie's or not to Sadie's?

1 comment:

Franchesca said...

I think you should go! you will have fun:)